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Eagles (Ages: 5–6)

Our Eagles are beginning to unfold as young leaders, beginning readers and budding mathematicians. The third and last year in our Primary program is the most fruitful part of our children s experience. Everything Children have internalized during the first and second years come together to create a unique way of learning.
Through the Montessori Method, your child started as a novice, grew to an apprentice and now their kindergarten year, they become leader. It is in their third year of our Primary Phase that our Eagles start expressing their opinions fluently in the second (and) third language; re-tell familiar stories with the beginning, middle and end with help from the teacher and begin to relate ideas from literature to situations involving self and society.

The Kindergarten curriculum specifically within our Primary Program Goals is:

The Kindergarten curriculum is carefully structured and integrated to demonstrate the connections among the different areas. Here, your child will continue to set the pace for his/her education and development growth.
Our Kindergarten highlights critical thinking, composition and research based projects.

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Language Arts

Mastering Reading & Writing

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Language Arts builds on the foundation laid in the Swans and Nightingales Program (Year 1 and 2 in the Primary Program)This sets the stage for the children to master skills such as reading, writing, spelling, dictionary skills, poetry, penmanship and handwriting, and parts of speech and grammar. Each skill builds to another and forms a solid base which leads to ease of integration with other subjects. Writing a research project on whales or reading directions to do a science experiment are among some of the results of this approach.

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County, Geometry, & Measuring

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There is nothing in our world that does not in some way relate to mathematics. Being able to apply mathematic skills in other areas such as language, art and sensorial are most beneficial. The four operations are taught, building on skills learned in the previous two years. Also included will be fractions, factors of multiples and identifying coins.

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Physical & Cultural Geography

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The earth is our home and we are one human family. In our Geography curriculum, we will look at the formation of the earth, its place in the solar system; its atmosphere; weather and seasons and its various land and water features. A major component of this curriculum is the study of the continents, countries and cultures.

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Study of Planst & Amimals

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Plants are one key component that sustain animal life on earth. In our Botany, we teach the plant anatomy, physiology, geography and horticulture. Zoology encompasses an overview of the animal kingdom and classification as well as their needs for survival.

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Wellness & Peace

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We believe that a healthy mind, body and spirit are essential elements to happiness and progress for us individually and thus for our community and the world community as a whole . We practice meditation on a daily basis and learn and practice virtues and thus help cultivate peace and self awareness.

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Art, Music, & Movement

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  • Art and Art appreciation
  • Movement, including Dance, Yoga and Creative Movement
  • Theater, including puppetry, dramatic expression and story book theater
  • Music and Music Appreciation
  • Cooking
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Advanced Practical Life

Language & Motor Skills

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Children entering our Eagles program (K- third year of Primary Program) have already had fairly unlimited access to basic Practical Life Activities. As they mature, more challenging Practical life material will be introduced that hone the skills needed to success in later subjects and life in general. Topics such as Food Preparation, Cooking, Sewing, Weaving; Knitting and basic etiquette that will help the children develop a high level of concentration and improve fine motor skills, while evoking a sense of respect for others and the environment.

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Writing Preparation

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More to come.